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@entrances [ <object> ] [ = <flags/types> = [ <output type> ] ]

Searches through the database for items that you control linked to <object>. Flags or types can be specified to check for or against certain ones. (A "!" before the flag indicates that it is to be excluded.) A "%" in the flags list indicates an unlinked item. An "@" will match only objects that have been unused for more than 90 days. The output types that can be specified are owners, links (which outputs either *UNLINKED*, the object to which the item is linked, or *METALINK* for exits linked to more than one thing), location and count.

Valid flags: ABCDHJKLMQSW Flags E, F, G, P, R, and T will match Exits, programs, Garbage, Players, Rooms, and Things, respectively. % will match unlinked objects. O will match Old objects unused for longer than 90 days. Digits 0 to 8 will match Mucker Levels or Priority Levels.

Example: @entrances here=ED=location
Will list all Dark Exits that are linked to your current location, giving the location of each one.

See also: @contents, @find, and @owned.

Glow Command: @entrances / Revised 2004 September 23 14:39 (Thursday)
© 2004 Glowmuck Development Group

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