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@quota <player name>

List a player's quota. If no player is specified, will list the quota settings for the current player. @tune settings max_rooms, max_things, max_exits, and max_programs set the default maximums for each object type. @tune settings building_quotas and quotas_with_bbits decide what quota means. If building_quotas is on then quotas are enabled for all non-mage players. If quotas_with_bbits is on then those with builder bits will be affected by quota. If not then the B bit can be used as an unlimited building flag for mucks that have free building with quotas. Wizards can @chown more items to a player than the player's quota allows and are not affected by quota. Per-player quota can be set with @setquota.

Glow Command: @quota / Revised 2004 September 23 14:39 (Thursday)
© 2004 Glowmuck Development Group

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