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@tune <sysparm>

@tune <sysparm> [= <setting> ]

@tune is used to check or change (usually muck-wide) system parameters.

@tune setting (sysparm) Read Change Description
aging_time M1 W2 Time when an object is considered old and unused. See @stats and @find.
alias_support M1 W4 Muck supports player command aliases. See @alias
allow_listeners M1 W3 Allow listen properties to execute when players speak. See manpage for listeners.
allow_listeners_env M1 W3 Listeners can be up the environment. See manpage for listeners.
allow_listeners_obj M1 W3 Objects can have listen properties. See manpage for listeners.
allow_zombies M1 W3 Zombie objects are allowed. See ZOMBIE.
author_motd M1 W1 The name of the player who added a motd entry is appended to the entry. See motd.
building M1 W2 Use of building commands is allowed. See @dig, @create, and @open.
building_quotas M1 W2 Quotas are in force for building objects. See @quota.
chat_tokens M1 W4 '.' parses to 'chat' and ',' parses to 'chat :'. If no muf 'chat' exit exists, an inserver chat defaults to say and pose.
clean_interval M1 W2 Time interval between unused object purges. See @dump.
command_burst_size M1 W3 Maximum number of commands per input text burst.
command_time_msec M1 W3 Time slice length in milliseconds between system event checks.
commands_per_time M1 W3 Commands per time slice after first input text burst.
compatible_mpi M1 W4 Enable extended Fuzzball backward-compatiblity MPI support. This mode takes no consideration for security risks. All programs set Mage or above execute with Arch permissions. This should only be enabled for initially converting a FB database.
compatible_muf M1 W4 Enable extended Fuzzball backward-compatibility muf support. This mode takes no consideration for security risks. All programs set Mage or above generally execute with Arch permissions. This should only be enabled for initially converting a FB database.
compatible_priorities M1 W3 Backwards compatibility for exit priorities.
connect_wait M1 W2 Time before a connection sitting on the welcome screen is booted.
cpennies M1 W1 Capitalized plural currency name. See score.
cpenny M1 W1 Capitalized currency name. See score.
dark_sleepers M1 W3 Sleeping players effectively have a dark flag. See look and DARK.
dash_tokens M1 W4 Make any lines starting with '-' parse to 'dash ' and then the line. Include 'dash' in a muf verb list to use this feature after enabling it.
date_motd M1 W1 Append the date and time to motd entries. See motd.
db_help_first M1 W3 If there is no help in help.txt for a help topic, the server will look for exits set at least M1 and attempt to look at them. If this parameter is turned on, in-db exits are examined before help.txt is read. See help.
db_readonly M1 W3 Disable most commands that modify the database. In order to prevent problems, this parameter generally still allows muf programs to modify properties on objects. It is mainly intended for Brigadoon day to prevent excessive damage or @purging of players. Annoying players can still be @toaded.
dbdump_warning M1 W1 Warn about coming database dumps. See @dump.
dead_room W1 W1 In the mud area, this is the room killed mobiles go to. See kill.
default_messages M1 W4 If enabled, the environment room (room 0 usually) is examined for properties similar to those stored on objects for @succ, @fail, etc. See messages.
deltadump_warning M1 W1 Warn about coming database delta dumps. See @delta.
deltawarn_mesg M1 W1 Message to warn of a coming database delta dump. ANSI strings can be parsed in the message. See @delta.
diskbase_propvals W1 W4 Allow diskbasing of property values.
do_mpi_parsing M1 W3 Parse MPI strings in messages. Get MPI help with the mpi command.
doing_blocks_ads M1 W1 If players advertise mucks in their @doing, attempt to block them. Matching is fairly simple, if an offending @doing is not cleared, try doing_blocks_hard. See @doing.
doing_blocks_hard M1 W1 Try harder to prevent players from advertising other mucks in @doings. See @doing.
dump_interval M1 W2 Time interval between database dumps. See @dump.
dump_warntime M1 W2 Amount of time to warn prior to a database dump. See @dump.
dump_copies W1 W4 Set the number of copies of the database that are kept when a @dump is done. Copies are maintained with the database name postfixed with an age count. By default is the newest db, is the next newest, etc. See @dump.
dump_copies_decay W1 W4 If dump_copies is enabled, the copies are created exponentially. The first copy is made every time, the second copy is made every other time, the third copy is made every fourth time, the fourth copy is made every eighth time, and so on.
dumpdeltas_mesg M1 W1 Message telling of a database delta dump. ANSI strings can be parsed in the message. See @delta.
dumpdone_mesg M1 W1 Message notifying that a database dump is done. ANSI strings can be parsed in the message. See @dump.
dumping_mesg M1 W1 Message telling of a database dump. ANSI strings can be parsed in the message. See @dump.
dumpwarn_mesg M1 W1 Message to warn of a coming database dump. ANSI strings can be parsed in the message. See @dump.
exit_cost M1 W1 Cost to create an exit. See @open and costs.
exit_darking M1 W3 Players can set exits DARK. See DARK.
fail_retries M1 W3 Number of times a player can attempt to connect before getting disconnected.
fail_wait M1 W2 Amount of time to wait between failed connection attempts from bad passwords.
fast_registration M1 W2 Send character requests through unless they are from trouble sites. See request and @hopper.
free_frames_pool M1 W3 Number of pre-allocated program frames.
gender_commands M1 W3 Enables the @gender/@sex, @species, and @positions commands as well as listing Gender, Species, and Position in examine.
global_aliases M1 W4 If alias support is enabled and a player doesn't have an alias for a particular command, the environment room can contain default aliases in the same @/alias propdir that is used on players. Use global aliases with extreme caution. See @alias.
glow_ansi M1 W4 Enable muf and MPI parsing of ^colorname^ style ANSI color sequences in notify and tell primitives.
hidden_prop_mlevel W1 W4 Mucker level of muf programs that can read and write properties starting with the '@' character. See help for 'newlevels' for mucker level meanings. Default is Archwizard or W3, muffer level 6.
home_room W1 W1 The room players start in when they enter the mud (combat) area.
html_parent_link M1 W1 The WWW address to list for the 'Go Back' item. .. tends to break under some browsers, so / is the most compatible address. A full WWW address can be used instead.
huh_mesg M1 W1 Message for invalid commands.
idle_boot_mesg M1 W1 Message given to an idle booted user.
idleboot M1 W1 Enable or disable idlebooting.
idletime M1 W1 Time before a user is considered idle. See WHO and IDLE.
ignore_support M1 W4 Enable gagging of jerks. Wizards cannot be gagged unless set QUELL. See @ignore.
instr_slice M1 W3 Max uninterrupted muf instructions per time slice.
jail_room M1 W1 Room tinyjerks are sent to with the @jail command. See @jail.
kill_base_cost M1 W1 Number of pennies for a 100 percent chance to kill someone. See kill.
kill_bonus M1 W1 Bonus amount awarded for a successful kill. See kill.
kill_min_cost M1 W1 Minimum cost for doing a kill. See kill.
leave_mesg M1 W1 Message given to a player when he or she QUITs.
link_cost M1 W1 Cost to link an exit. See @link.
listen_mlev M1 W3 Minimum mucker level for _listen programs on objects. Programs set that are less than this level will not be executed from a _listen propqueue. See manpage for listeners.
lock_envcheck M1 W3 Locks will check the environment. See @lock.
log_commands W1 W4 Log all player commands to a log file.
log_connects W1 W3 Log commands entered at the connection screen to a log file.
log_failed_commands W1 W3 Log typos to a log file.
log_guests W1 W3 Log commands entered by guests to a log file.
log_interactive W1 W3 Log text entered in muf editors or programs if it would be logged if it was not being entered in the editor. Normally text entered in the muf editor or in programs is not logged.
log_mud_commands W1 W1 Log commands entered in rooms set K to a log flie.
log_programs W1 W3 Log non-wizard owned program text any time the text is saved.
log_with_names W1 W4 Normally all commands are logged only with player dbrefs such that when you look through the command logs you won't be amiss in noticing a given player you aren't looking for said something. It's really just a morality aid. If you prefer having player names logged, turn this on.
log_wizards W4 W4 Log commands entered by wizards to a log file.
log_www_activity W1 W3 Log HTTP requests to a log file.
look_on_connect M1 W3 Perform a look at the room after running through all connect propqueues.
look_propqueues M1 W3 Look triggers _lookq propqueue on objects. See look.
lookup_cost M1 W1 Cost to lookup a player name.
m1_name_notify M1 W2 M1 programs forced to show name on notify.
max_delta_objs M1 W3 Max percent of changed objects for a delta dump to peforma full dump instead.
max_exits M1 W1 Default quota for exits. See @quota and @setquota.
max_ignores M1 W1 Max number of players a player can ignore. See @ignore.
max_instr_count M1 W3 Max number of preempt mode muf instructions before forced abort.
max_loaded_objs M1 W3 Max percent of the database in memory at once.
max_object_endowment M1 W1 Max value of an object. See @create.
max_output M1 W3 Max amount of output text before <Flushed output> is forced.
max_pennies M1 W1 Max number of pennies a player can own before economic restrictions.
max_player_logins M1 W1 Max number of times a player can be connected before oldest connection is automatically booted. Set to 1 to allow only 1 player at a time.
max_plyr_processes M1 W3 Max event processes allowed for each player.
max_process_limit M1 W3 Total event processes allowed.
max_programs M1 W1 Default quota for programs. See @quota and @setquota.
max_rooms M1 W1 Default quota for rooms. See @quota and @setquota.
max_site_lma M1 W3 Max number of accepts per minute from a site before it is auto-banned. See @dos.
max_site_welcomes M1 W1 Max number of connections a site's 255 machine subnet can keep open on the welcome screen before the idlest is booted.
max_things M1 W1 Default quota for things. See @quota and @setquota.
maxidle M1 W1 Maximum idle time allowed before a connection is booted.
mob_interval W1 W1 Time between mobile activity updates.
mobile_support W1 W1 Mobile activity is enabled for mud support.
monolithic_interval M1 W2 Time between full database dumps. See @dump.
mortal_mpi_listen_props M1 W3 Allow MPI to be parsed from _listen props and not just ~listen props.
mortals_need_id_prop M1 W3 Non-wizard characters must have an @/id text property set to something.
mpi_max_commands M1 W3 Max number of uninterruptable MPI commands.
muckname M1 W3 The name of the MUCK.
mud_interval W1 W1 Amount of time between mud area activity updates.
mud_support W1 W1 Area activity updates for mud support are enabled.
muf_macro_mlevel M1 W4 Muffer level a player must be to define muf macros. See help for 'newlevels' for mucker level meanings. Default is M3, muffer level 3. See @prog.
muf_proglog_mlevel M1 W4 Players who have a muffer level lower than this parameter will have all of their programs logged if log_programs is enabled.
multi_wiz_levels M1 #1 Enable W-W4 multiple wizard levels. See newlevels.
object_cost M1 W1 Cost to create an object.
offered_room W1 W1 Room offered items are sent to in the mud area. See offer.
online_registration W1 W2 Allow new connections and guests to use the 'request' command to request new characters. See request and @hopper.
parse_help_as_mpi M1 W4 Parse each line of all help, info, and news text files as MPI.
path_dir M1 W3 Propdir name where virtual paths are stored. See @path (where available.)
path_mlevel M1 W4 Set the priority level exits need to override a path in the room. See 'help newlevels' for the mucker level meanings. The default setting is 4, making any exits set W or higher override paths.
path_prog M1 W3 Dbref number of the /path virtual paths support muf program. This parameter must be set to enable path support. See @path (where available.)
pause_after_motd M1 W1 Force a 'more pager' pause after printing the motd to force players to pay attention to it. See motd.
pause_min M1 W3 Pause between input and output servicing.
pennies M1 W1 Plural currency name.
penny M1 W1 Single currency name.
penny_rate M1 W1 Rate for finding pennies. 1 in X chance when entering a room.
periodic_program_purge W1 W1 Purge unused programs from memory.
player_start M1 W2 The home for players without a home.
playermax M1 W1 Enable or disable non-wizard connected player limit.
playermax_bootmesg M1 W1 Error given when a player cannot connect.
playermax_limit M1 W1 Maximum allowed concurrent player connections.
playermax_warnmesg M1 W1 Message warning of too many connects.
private_prop_mlevel M1 W4 Muffer level that can write to props starting with '.' or '_' without having permissions for the destination object. This also includes the 'sex' and 'species' props. This is also the muffer level that limits reading props starting with '.' unless the program has permissions for the destination object. Permissions can be checked with the 'perms' primitive. See help for 'newlevels' for mucker level meanings. Default is Mage or W access, muffer level 4.
pueblo_message M1 W1 Message sent to Pueblo clients when they send PUEBLOCLIENT to the server.
pueblo_support M1 W3 Enable responses and functionality that Pueblo clients require to function.
purify_muf_files M1 W4 Strip non-printable characters from muf files before loading them. This will clean out embedded escape sequences when the program is saved. See @prog.
quell_ignore_mlevel M1 W4 Set the mucker level of players that will break through being gagged if they are not @set Quell. This is reserved for wizards who need to not be gaggable by tinyjerks. See @gag or @ignore.
quiet_moves M1 W3 Turn off 'Player has arrived.' and 'Player has left.' messages when moving.
quotas_with_bbits M1 W2 Enforce building quotas even if players have a BUILDER bit.
rand_screens M1 W3 Number of random welcome screens in game/data/welcome directory.
realms_control M1 W2 Support for realm (area local) wizards.
recycle_frobs M1 W3 When a player is @frobbed (@toaded), the object created is auto-recycled.
reg_wait M1 W2 Amount of time to wait between character requests from a site's domain.
reg_wiz W2 W2 Wizard currently in charge of processing character requests with @hopper.
register_mesg M1 W1 Message for a failed 'create' at login if registration is turned on.
registration W1 W2 Only wizards can create players.
restart_mesg M1 W1 Message shown to players when the muck is restarted before they are booted. See @restart.
restrict_kill M1 W1 Can only kill players @set KILL_OK. See kill and KILL_OK.
restricted_building M1 W2 Building is restricted to players set BUILDER. See BUILDER.
restricted_mpi M1 W2 MPI parsing is restricted to players and objects set MEEPER. See MEEPER.
restricted_www M1 W3 Web pages are restricted from being accessed unless the object (player or muf program) has a WWW_OK flag.
room_cost M1 W1 Cost to dig a room. See @dig and costs.
rp_who_lists_ic M1 W3 WHO lists an IC column displaying if players are set IN_CHARACTER (IC). See WHO.
run_rwho W2 W3 Send RWHO information to the RWHO server.
rwho_interval W2 W3 Interval between RWHO updates.
rwho_passwd W4 W4 Password for RWHO servers.
rwho_server W1 W4 RWHO server address to connect to.
save_glow_flags W1 W4 Store the second flag set and mud flags as properties when a full @dump is done. See the @glowflags command for more information.
secure_teleport M1 W2 Check teleport permissions for personal exits.
secure_who M1 W2 WHO works only if player is connected.
seeonly_prop_mlevel M1 W4 Muffer level required to change properties starting with a '~' character (tilde). See help for 'newlevels' for mucker level meanings. Default is Mage or W, muffer level 4.
server_ansi M1 W4 In-server commands are shown in ANSI color. If this parameter is turned off, no in-server commands will display in color. See COLOR_ANSI.
show_idlers M1 W1 List idlers separately in the WHO list. See WHO.
shutdown_mesg M1 W1 Message shown to players when the muck is shutdown before they are booted. See @shutdown.
space_nag M1 W1 Ask players to use @path if they @open exits or actions. See @path (where available.)
start_pennies M1 W1 Starting wealth for new players.
teleport_to_player M1 W2 Allow use of exits linked to players.
thing_darking M1 W3 Players can @set things DARK. See DARK.
tilde_ansi M1 W4 ANSI sequences of the form ~&000 are parsed in muf and MPI notify and tell primitives.
tinkerproof_mlevel M1 W4 Set the muffer level that players can set themselves or objects they own TINKERPROOF and TINKER. Normally this is set to level 0 for all players. See TINKERPROOF.
unix_login M1 W4 Enable Unix/Diku-style login/password combination. This will hide user passwords from view in supporting clients using the telnet protocol. The muf setecho prim will only output echo on/off sequence is this option is on.
use_hostnames W1 W3 Do reverse domain name lookup. Turn this parameter off if you have severe lag when players connect.
user_arrive_propqueue M1 W3 Process properties in the _arrive and _depart propdirs when players enter or leave a room.
user_connect_propqueue M1 W3 Process properties in the _connect and _disconnect propdirs when players connect or disconnect.
user_idle_propqueue M1 W3 Process properties in the _idle and _unidle propdirs when players go idle or wake up.
validate_hostname Enable hostname matching in @/sites. New connections are held until hostnames are resolved. Hostnames cannot be 'X' blocked effectively. Hostname matching is done via standard smatch syntax, ie * You must use the standard numerical system to match IP addresses. Ex: @set #0=@/sites/* g:Cuz @set #0=@/sites/ r:Cuz
validate_warning W1 W2 If validate_hostname is enabled, enabling this parameter will print a message to players who are being lagged to look up their hostname before showing the welcome screen. Without first looking up the hostname when validate_hostname is on, players may get the barred welcome screen instead of their correct welcome screen. Some mucks may prefer to let the connection appear lagged while others may wish to notify users.
who_doing M1 W2 Server support for @doing in WHO.
who_hides_dark M1 W3 Players set DARK are not listed on WHO.
wiz_name M1 W3 Only wizards can change player names. See @name.
wiz_vehicles M1 W3 Only wizards can make vehicles.
www_player_pages M1 W3 Allow players to set pages on their player object in the www content directory, normally _/www.
www_port M1 W3 Set port to listen for WWW HTML requests. 0 disables the WWW port. The muck must be restarted for the setting to go into effect.
www_root M1 W3 Object dbref for fetching web pages that aren't on players.
www_user M1 W3 This is the user that will have muf cgi scripts executed as. If it is set to #-1 or an invalid user, muf cgi scripts won't execute. See 'help cgi'.

Glow Command: @tune / Revised 2004 September 23 14:39 (Thursday)
© 2004 Glowmuck Development Group

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