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ic [ <object> ]
ooc [ <object> ]
@set <object> = [!] IC
The IC flag denotes a player or object being 'in character' for roleplaying purposes. What this means varies from muck to muck. The general impression is that players set IC are fantasy characters, while players not set IC are acting as the person behind the keyboard. Being set IC or not may affect what rooms a player can interact in and what features of the muck are available to them.
As a convenience, players can type 'ic' and 'ooc' to change their in-character status. Some mucks may have modified WHO lists or other ways of finding out if players are in-character. Typing 'ic' or 'ooc' on some mucks may also take players to particular areas of the muck.
Glow Command: ic, ooc / Revised 2004 September 23 14:39 (Thursday)
© 2004 Glowmuck Development Group