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request <char name> <e-mail> <your name>
<char name> is the name you'd like for your character
<e-mail> is your email address, ie: artie@muq.org
<your name> is your first and last name in real life
Use 'request' on the login screen, as a guest, or as a wizard to request a new character on the muck. Your password will be e-mailed to you with instructions on how to connect to your new character. Usually only one character can be requested per hour per college or other Internet provider.
Unless your site is known for less than friendly folk, your character will be created and emailed to you instantly. Otherwise a wizard will look over the request and send it through if it looks ok.
Glow Command: request / Revised 2004 September 23 14:39 (Thursday)
© 2004 Glowmuck Development Group