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Option | Type | Description |
COMPRESS | Toggle | If defined, the server will compress string data when saving it to the glow.db file. Default: Defined. |
DELTADUMPS | Toggle | If defined, the server save using fast delta dumps that only write out the changed objects, except when @dump and @shutdown are used or when too many deltas have already been saved to disk. Default: Defined. |
DEBUGPROCESS | Toggle | If defined, the server will provide additional debugging info on read/write on input/output processes. Default: Undefined |
DETACH | Toggle | If defined, detaches the server process as a daemon so that it don't cause problems keeping a terminal line open and such. Logs normal output to a file and writes out a glowmuck.pid file. Default: Undefined. |
DISKBASE | Toggle | If defined, the server will use a simple disk basing scheme where properties aren't loaded from the input file until they are needed. |
FB_TIMEZONE_QUIRK | Toggle | If defined, the MPI prims {time} and {ftime} will behave as FB brokenly makes them. Default: Undefined. |
HTTPD | Toggle | If defined, compiles in the built-in webserver. Default: Defined. |
HTTPDELAY | Toggle | If defined, the server will do proper delayed link references for the _/www:http://... links won't work on some clients without it. (Requires HTTPD to be defined). Default: Undefined. |
INSECURE_SYSTEM_MUF_PRIM | Toggle | If defined, the 'system' prim for muf will be supported. Use at your own risk. This could potentially open your system or account to attacks through muf programs. Default: Undefined. |
MARK | String | Displayed in various places before strings sent by the server. Notably the save messages (by default) and output from logwall. Default: [!] . |
MORTWHO | Toggle | If defined, wizards will need to type WHO! to see hostnames. Undefined will reverse WHO and WHO! for wizards. Default: Defined. |
MPI | Toggle | If defined, MPI will be supported. Default: Defined. |
NOBBIT_MESG | String | Message displayed when a player does not have building bit and it's required to build. Default: "You're not a builder." |
NOBUILD_MESG | String | Message displayed when building is disabled entirely. Default: "Building is currently disabled." |
NOEDIT_MESG | String | Message displayed when a player attempts to edit something already being edited. Default: "That is already being edited." |
NOGUEST_MESG | String | Message displayed when a command is locked out for a guest character. Default: "This command is unavailable to guests." |
NOMBIT_MESG | String | Message displayed when a player does not have M bit and attempts to edit a program. Default: "You're not a programmer." |
NOPERM_MESG | String | The classic "permission denied" message. |
NOQUOTA_MESG | String | Message displayed when a player attempts to exceed his quota. Default: "That would exceed your quota limit. Type '@quota'." |
NOTHERE_MESG | String | Message displayed when the server can't find the item the player referred to. Default: "I don't see that here." |
NULL_ANSI | Toggle | Defined, it disables the ansi mpi prim from returning the uncolored version of the text as well as the colored. Default: Undefined. |
NULL_OANSI | Toggle | Defined, it disables the oansi mpi prim from returning the uncolored version of the text as well as the colored. Default: Undefined. |
OBJ_MESG | String | Message displayed if "space_nag" is turned on and the player creates an object. Default: "Please use @object or @detail if possible. Type '@object' for help." |
PATH | Toggle | If defined, the server will have inserver support for paths. Default: Defined. |
PATH_MESG | String | Message displayed if "space_nag" is turned on and the player creates an exit or action. Default: "Please use @path whenever possible. Type 'help @path' for help." |
PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT | Integer | Maximum length for player names. Be Warned! You must add a space to PLAYER_NAME_SPACE for every character over 16! Default: 16 |
PLAYER_NAME_SPACE | String | Spaces for characters over 16 when player name limit is set greater than 16. Default: Empty string: "" |
ROLEPLAY | Toggle | If defined, compiles in support for ic_ooc_who, etc. Default: Defined. |
RWHO | Toggle | If defined, compiles in support for RWHO. Default: Defined. |
SPAWN_HOST_RESOLVER | Toggle | If defined, the server will spawn an external program to resolve hostnames to prevent the muck hanging while trying do such resolves. Do not define if compiling for Windows 95. Default: Defined. |
TINYPORT | Integer | Port that the muck listens for connections (can also be specified on the command line or in the restart script). Default: 9999. |
VERBOSE_EXAMINE | Toggle | If defined, the server will display full names for types and flags when 'examine'ing. Default: Defined. |
VERBOSELOAD | Toggle | If defined, the server will output debugging info for database loading. Default: Undefined. |
WHICH_MESG | String | Message displayed when object referred to is ambiguous. Defaults to: "I don't know which one you mean!" |
Compile Time Options / Revised 2005 March 28 19:12 (Monday)
© 2005 Glowmuck Development Group