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Glowmuck Compile Time Options

This table is incomplete

COMPRESS Toggle If defined, the server will compress string data when saving it to the glow.db file. Default: Defined.
DELTADUMPS Toggle If defined, the server save using fast delta dumps that only write out the changed objects, except when @dump and @shutdown are used or when too many deltas have already been saved to disk. Default: Defined.
DEBUGPROCESS Toggle If defined, the server will provide additional debugging info on read/write on input/output processes. Default: Undefined
DETACH Toggle If defined, detaches the server process as a daemon so that it don't cause problems keeping a terminal line open and such. Logs normal output to a file and writes out a file. Default: Undefined.
DISKBASE Toggle If defined, the server will use a simple disk basing scheme where properties aren't loaded from the input file until they are needed.
FB_TIMEZONE_QUIRK Toggle If defined, the MPI prims {time} and {ftime} will behave as FB brokenly makes them. Default: Undefined.
HTTPD Toggle If defined, compiles in the built-in webserver. Default: Defined.
HTTPDELAY Toggle If defined, the server will do proper delayed link references for the _/www:http://... links won't work on some clients without it. (Requires HTTPD to be defined). Default: Undefined.
INSECURE_SYSTEM_MUF_PRIM Toggle If defined, the 'system' prim for muf will be supported. Use at your own risk. This could potentially open your system or account to attacks through muf programs. Default: Undefined.
MARK String Displayed in various places before strings sent by the server. Notably the save messages (by default) and output from logwall. Default: [!] .
MORTWHO Toggle If defined, wizards will need to type WHO! to see hostnames. Undefined will reverse WHO and WHO! for wizards. Default: Defined.
MPI Toggle If defined, MPI will be supported. Default: Defined.
NOBBIT_MESG String Message displayed when a player does not have building bit and it's required to build. Default: "You're not a builder."
NOBUILD_MESG String Message displayed when building is disabled entirely. Default: "Building is currently disabled."
NOEDIT_MESG String Message displayed when a player attempts to edit something already being edited. Default: "That is already being edited."
NOGUEST_MESG String Message displayed when a command is locked out for a guest character. Default: "This command is unavailable to guests."
NOMBIT_MESG String Message displayed when a player does not have M bit and attempts to edit a program. Default: "You're not a programmer."
NOPERM_MESG String The classic "permission denied" message.
NOQUOTA_MESG String Message displayed when a player attempts to exceed his quota. Default: "That would exceed your quota limit. Type '@quota'."
NOTHERE_MESG String Message displayed when the server can't find the item the player referred to. Default: "I don't see that here."
NULL_ANSI Toggle Defined, it disables the ansi mpi prim from returning the uncolored version of the text as well as the colored. Default: Undefined.
NULL_OANSI Toggle Defined, it disables the oansi mpi prim from returning the uncolored version of the text as well as the colored. Default: Undefined.
OBJ_MESG String Message displayed if "space_nag" is turned on and the player creates an object. Default: "Please use @object or @detail if possible. Type '@object' for help."
PATH Toggle If defined, the server will have inserver support for paths. Default: Defined.
PATH_MESG String Message displayed if "space_nag" is turned on and the player creates an exit or action. Default: "Please use @path whenever possible. Type 'help @path' for help."
PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT Integer Maximum length for player names. Be Warned! You must add a space to PLAYER_NAME_SPACE for every character over 16! Default: 16
PLAYER_NAME_SPACE String Spaces for characters over 16 when player name limit is set greater than 16. Default: Empty string: ""
ROLEPLAY Toggle If defined, compiles in support for ic_ooc_who, etc. Default: Defined.
RWHO Toggle If defined, compiles in support for RWHO. Default: Defined.
SPAWN_HOST_RESOLVER Toggle If defined, the server will spawn an external program to resolve hostnames to prevent the muck hanging while trying do such resolves. Do not define if compiling for Windows 95. Default: Defined.
TINYPORT Integer Port that the muck listens for connections (can also be specified on the command line or in the restart script). Default: 9999.
VERBOSE_EXAMINE Toggle If defined, the server will display full names for types and flags when 'examine'ing. Default: Defined.
VERBOSELOAD Toggle If defined, the server will output debugging info for database loading. Default: Undefined.
WHICH_MESG String Message displayed when object referred to is ambiguous. Defaults to: "I don't know which one you mean!"

Compile Time Options / Revised 2005 March 28 19:12 (Monday)
© 2005 Glowmuck Development Group

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